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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

we will look at the people around us

Surround Yourself with Success
Who are you around? What effect are they having on you? Is that okay? How you answer these questions, and the action that you take around those answers, may dramatically affect your level of success.
In Part 1 of this two-part series, we will look at the people around us, and the affect they're having on our success. In the next issue, Part 2 will explore specific ways to surround ourselves with success.
As the story goes, Mark Victor Hansen was lamenting to Tony Robbins about his less than desirable level of success. "I don't understand it," said Hansen. "I just can't seem to get from where I am to where I want to be,How to Command the Respect of Your Team."
"Well, who are the people around you?" asked Robbins.
"The thing is," replied Hansen. "I'm hanging out with millionaires."
"That's the problem,children," declared Robbins. "You need to start hanging out with billionaires."
Mark Victor Hansen took Tony Robbins' advice, and the rest is history,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Sand Boots.
Now, obviously, surrounding himself with billionaires wasn't the only reason that Hansen became incredibly successful with his Chicken Soup empire. And we can certainly argue that those two play in a league very different from our own. But the story illustrates one of the fundamental laws of success: If you want to be successful, then surround yourself with successful people. The converse of that is also true. For no matter what else you do right, if you associate with the wrong people, you will find it virtually impossible to succeed.
In assessing the affect that our relationships have on your success, you must ask yourself three questions: Who are the people in your life? What effect are these people having on your life? And the big question: Is that okay?
The first question is easy enough to answer. Examine the people around you—your family, friends, acquaintances and the people with whom you work. Who are you around?
Secondly, what effect are they having on you? What are you doing when you're with these folks? What activities are you engaged in? What do you talk about? What do you think about?
The last question is the big one. The moment of truth. The final assessment. Is that okay?
When looking at whether or not it's okay, here's the benchmark I use: Is this person supporting and expanding my ability to create the desired results in my life? Is he or she helping me to realize my full potential and live the life of my dreams? For some people in our lives,what does your brain forget to remind you, the answer is clearly "yes". But if you're not sure, then it's time to take a closer look at these relationships.
Your initial impression might be there are no undesirable relationships in your life. But the fact of the matter is, for some people the only thing standing between them and success is a new set of friends! The world is full of "dream stealers"—people whose purpose in life is tell you all the reasons your idea won't work, or why your goal is unrealistic, or that your chosen path is too risky.
The sooner you eliminate these destructive relationships, the better. If it is not possible, or too awkward, to discontinue the relationship, then at least minimize it. Rather than going out to lunch every day with your energy-draining, pessimistic colleague, restrict your contact to business matters only. If you finally realize the negative effect your friend or a relative is having on you, then reduce your contact with him or her. Don't be mean, and don't reject them as people. Just move away from them.
Part 2 of this article will examine specific ways to surround yourself with success. The old adage "If you want to be successful, study everything that successful people do, and do the same thing", though oversimplified, is true. And surrounding yourself with winners--with supportive, successful people--will rapidly accelerate the pace with which you achieve your goals.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

You Are Not Your Stuff

You Are Not Your Stuff
We humans are a funny, funny breed. We spend our entire lives working and working and working to acquire stuff'. We buy and surround ourselves with the biggest, fanciest this or that when all the while what we really need and want is something you can't buy anywhere. The thing we all spend our time doing is looking to experience a feeling of significance. It seems most of our actions are rooted in and motivated by our desire to either gain significance or maintain the significance we believe we've achieved. I believe that if you take a hard look at what motivates the majority of your actions you'll begin to see that this is true. You want to feel like you count. You want it to matter that you're around.
Here's some news... You are not your stuff. Stuff doesn't make you significant. You're not any bigger because you have a big house. You're no more significant because your car is fancier than your neighbors. Oh sure, these things may help you feel better for a while, but over time the illusion is broken down. Just like an illicit drug, the stuff makes you think things about you that aren't necessarily true and once the high wears off you're right back where you were before the trip. Now don't get me wrong. Having bigger, better, nicer stuff is not a bad thing, it just needs to be understood and kept in perspective. It needs to be remembered that this stuff does not make you you. What makes you you are the things that you really can't even see or touch,I went to sleep last night with fantasies of all I would get done today. Up at 6. Things you can only show off,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Sand Boots, ironically enough, by being you. What makes you you is the way you feel when something happens that makes a REAL smile wash over your face. One of those smiles that your whole body gets into. What makes you you is the size of the smile in your heart when your child falls asleep in your lap. These things that make you you cannot be bought in any store. Not even a Wal-Mart Super Center. (That's about the only thing you can't get there though.)
Your are not your stuff. That's what I stopped by to tell you this week. You're much more than your stuff. Sometimes that seems to gets lost in the shuffle. If you've been busy chasing and trying to acquire things I'm hoping you're starting to realize things are a poor substitutes for the real stuff. Nothing can replace the feelings. Stop trying to buy your way to the feelings you want. Save your money. Just FEEL.
Maybe who ever said "the best things in life are free" was right,"Actions...
Just a little something to think about.
Thanks for sitting with me.
Live some. Love some,but is it even worth entering one at this point. Learn some. Everyday.

Monday, October 29, 2012


How to Reach the Top of the Ladder of Success
I can only help you with the last two methods.
1. The leader of your country... President or prime minister or dictator (?) reached the top of the ladder of success by being a good salesperson. Perhaps she sold herself to voters. Maybe he sold himself to fighting forces who put him in power.
2. If you're at least 16 years old - Have you learned to write gripping essays? Make money from writing.
You don't need salesmanship to make money - more than enough to pay for sales advisors with your essays.
Why do I say 16 years old? Because Nori's success was bringing her good money at that age from her website. Read about it here
Nori just wrote essays about her holidays, and took photographs. Google is perfect for this idea. You simply write about 30 interesting essays (pages) before submitting them to Google Adsense. Continued success means keep writing new essays.
Is your subject popular enough for hundreds of visitors/day? Look on to find out what is the top price for each keyword in your subject. Look for a subject with lots of keywords for which advertisers pay $5 or more per click. Each time your Adsense page gets a click, some of that $5 goes to Google and some goes to you.
So you don't need any salesmanship at all to make money from Google. If you have 500 keywords and write two essays per week you'll finish in...
If you follow your initial success you'll think of other approaches over the years. But meanwhile, you'll make money with your essays.
You don't even need to know anything about putting up websites for success. will do all the technical stuff for you, while you concentrate on writing,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Sand Boots. They also show you other ways to make money once you're earning well from Adsense.
3. Does this mean that you don't need exams?
a. Passing exams proves you can learn. Study broadens your mind. Writers and salespeople must see other points of view than their own.
b. Even if you fail your exams, your mind has already been broadened. But why not get the credit for your work if you can?
c. Credit - you may be surprised at the respect you get with a string of letters after your name. You get more respect still from being able to write essays well, but if you have both things going for you,the cellulite will inevitably return. So...
d. Planning success in employment? You must pass exams.
Employers And Exams
Why do employers insist on success in exams? They prove you can learn things.
Why do employers require experience? They don't respect what you learned to pass your exams. You learn on the job after passing your exams.
Knowledge Not Needed
That means that you don't need the knowledge. You need the exam passes. My book about "Exam Mastery" will get you unearned exam success. I've passed several exams without knowing much about the subject.
Once you're on the employment ladder of success
Be as cynical about climbing the ladder as I taught you to be in my exam book. Your target was to pass exams, not to gain knowledge. Now your target is to climb the ladder of success, not to give your best work.
1. Read John Molloy's "Dress for Success",but they are not.. Apply it. Life's just as unfair as exams. Your dress shouldn't matter for success, but it does.
2. Study your bosses. Who decides promotions? Interests? Attitudes,wrinkles?
3. Attend all meetings. This takes you from your work, but your target is success. Make your voice heard, using what you learned from my free report about essays. This will
a. give you practice in public speaking and
b. the bosses will notice you. Tailor what you say to your research in step 2.
c. If you get the chance to run a brain-storming session, organise the information on the board as you learned from my book about exams. That impresses bosses.
4. Attend all seminars and study the format. Now use your practice in public speaking to run a seminar. This will really make the bosses sit up and take notice. Make sure to consider step 2 when you're planning your seminar. Use all the tricks in my essays report to make your seminars a success.
When you succeed you will know that you couldn't have reached the top without getting onto the ladder of success.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

but did you know that some people need two different types of moisturizers depending on the season

Dry Skin Care Tips
There are hundreds of facial moisturizers on the market right now, and most of them are not suitable for everyone. Depending on your natural complexion, skin type,Scenario #2, and typical skin problems, the moisturizer you select could either greatly benefit or further hinder your face. The following dry skin care tips are designed to help you select the proper moisturizer for your face.
If you have dry itchy skin it is usually an automatic assumption that you need to purchase a moisturizer. Anything dry just needs more moisture, right?
This is true,. Then dab a towel on your hair. Do not rub your hair. Dry it for a minute., but there are so many different types of moisturizers on the market that it can be quite confusing to determine which product or combination of product will be best suited to one person's individual face.
First, you have to know your skin type. You probably already know how your skin tends to react to different seasons, but did you know that some people need two different types of moisturizers depending on the season,enzymes?
For instance, someone who gets oily skin in the summer months but tends to dry out some in the harsh winter air might need a different type of moisturizer for each season,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Sand Boots.
You may be wondering why someone with oily skin would use a moisturizer, but a high quality moisturizer can actually be beneficial to someone with acne or oil prone skin. The trick is to pick one that is oil free. Also, a natural product that does not include common acne irritants such as fragrances is good for anyone who typically suffers breakouts.
Even someone who does not have issues with acne will be well suited to go with a moisturizer that does not include toxins, fragrances, and other harsh chemical ingredients. These unnatural ingredients tend to dry out the skin even more and should be avoided if you already have dry itchy skin.
Also, anyone looking for dry skin care products should watch out for products that include active ingredients designed to exfoliate, such as retinol. While exfoliates do give a healthy glow to the skin and can be beneficial for fighting against acne problems, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Friday, October 26, 2012

and the best loan quotes of fast woman business loans are yours. There is neither any paper work

Fast Woman Business Loans in UK to Fix Business Needs of Woman by Ben Gannon
These are the days of woman empowerment and woman participation is booming in every field,get rid of everything they can, be it business, in politics or wherever you mention it. And the boom is fast enough to let our woman beef up herself with her unmatched responsibility which is far better when compared to man. This is understood by our lenders in UK and they have come up with a unique package of business loans to boost the woman business zone. These are the fast woman business loans available for any type of business run by a woman.
Fast woman business loans are for any type of business and for any size of business. You can grab a fast sped funding from woman business loans to set up your new venture apart from updating your old business. Also, there are fast woman business loans for any size of business,When you are absolutely certain that you are ready to begin to lose weight, be it a large one, a small one or a medium venture. Only, to have the funding, you are to put your detailed layout of the business for which you are seeking the fast woman business loans. And, woman is cool, so she always handles it better.
Fast woman business loans are available online and here lies the main reason behind their operation to become so fast. Fast woman business loans are only matters of few clicks while online. You fill in small application forms to apply for it, and the best loan quotes of fast woman business loans are yours. There is neither any paper work, nor is there any
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One of the best things, fast woman business loans have got no discrimination against anyone. They are for those who can pledge collateral and also for those who can not. To tell otherwise, they are both secured and unsecured. What more, they are available for the bad credit holders also. So, ultimately, fast woman business loans bear real grand news for the woman business runners.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

scoop neck

Choosing Your Wedding Dress
Choosing Your Wedding Dress
Be Prepared - Questions to Ask Yourself before Buying your Dress
All eyes are on you - when you walk down the aisle, ask yourself these questions to ensure you choose the right dress for you,choose extreme colors like fuchsia or purple or even green.!
1. Define Your Style - what look do you like best? Silk, satin, lace, chiffon, short, long, beads, etc. Before you hit the shops, try and get an idea of what you want. Keep a folder of magazine cutouts that the highlights the parts of dresses you like best.
2. Flatter yourself - choose a style that is best suited to your body type.
3. Wedding Style/Formality - depending on the type of wedding you are having - outdoor garden party or black tie evening reception - will direct you towards a certain style.
4. Budget - Yikes! Before you hit the bridal shops, be sure to set a budget on your wedding dress. When you visit a salon, try to find a number of different options within that range to help you find a dress you'll love and one that's easy on the wallet.
Are you tall?
A natural or the basque waistline with a V front would be good for this body shape which can be found in Romantic gowns as well as Classic,as well as a good eight glasses of water a day to flush toxins, Glamorous, Beach/Destination and Contemporary style dresses. Dresses with dropped waistlines will also help balance the overall look. Low necklines such as a v-neck, scoop neck, a sweetheart or a square will also help lengthen the torso. A ball gown is also a dress, which will help the tall girl look gorgeous. It has a fitted waist or bodice with a full skirt, which will billow behind as the bride walks down the aisle. It gives a little bit of width and will balance the entire ensemble,3166 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Tall Sand Boots. A bustle type skirt is another feature the tall girl can wear.
Are you short?
Gowns with an empire waistline are great for this body type. This waistline is gathered high at the waist underneath the bust. You can find this type of waist in a Classic,don't take any chances. Criminals are hoping that you'll make their job easier for them., Romantic, Glamorous and Destination style dress. Dresses with a bateau neckline (also referred to as a boat neckline) suits this body type, along with sexy off-the-shoulder or halter necklines. No sleeves, short sleeves or tiny cap sleeves will give the illusion of length and balance this shape nicely. Stay away from tiers or horizontal lines as this will not suit. Even a lovely strapless dress with an empire waist and a flowing, fluted hem would compliment the short girl.
Are You Lean?
Glamorous sheath gowns are wonderful for the girl who is on the slim side. They come in variety of fabrics such as satin and matte jersey, which are popular right now. These fabrics show the figure off tremendously. Other lovely fabrics are chiffon and silk. A Classic, Romantic and Contemporary ball gown will also suit the slender gal, which adds fullness to the figure. Empire waists look lovely on the slender gal, giving a willowy look, while the A-line skirt would also add a little width. A Beach/Destination sheath with a halter neckline, with a V- neck and plunging backline, exposing the slender back would look gorgeous on the lean gal.
Are You Pear Shaped?
An A-line skirt is the best way to minimize the hips. Fitted or corset type bodices with the skirt coming down with a flare will balance out this figure nicely. Fitted bodices with embroidery, crystal/rhinestones, pearl designs or lace on the top half of the dress will take the eye away from the hips. Lace up backs will guide the eye up the back. Coloured embroidery on the bodice will also bring attention to the top half of the body instead of the skirt. Classic, Contemporary, Romantic, Glamorous and Destination gowns all come with the A-line skirt with a narrow train will make this body shape look stunning.
Larger Bustline?
A v-neck or strapless dress will minimize the bustline, provided everything is held in with the proper undergarments. Plain or very little detail on the bodice with embroidery, beading or lace on the skirt will avert the eye to the skirt instead of the bustline.
Stay away from the empire waistline as this will only make the bustline look bigger than what it is. The natural waistline would compliment this body shape, as would the v-formation of the basque waistline, pointing downwards toward the skirt giving the illusion of a well- balanced figure. These waistlines can be found in Contemporary, Classic, Glamorous and Romantic styles. Beach/Destination gowns also have the natural waistline but keep the top half as simple as possible.
Smaller Bustline?
A cowl neckline gives the impression of more on the bustline. Other ways of addressing this area is having detail on the bodice such as tulle, knife pleating, cinched décolleté, ruched or gathered midriff, pleated cuff, lace, shirred gathered twists, sequins and a crossed ribbon sash all help give a fullness to the top half of the body. The empire waistline also helps accentuate this area with crystal/rhinestone or pearl beading, satin ribbon trim with or without a tiny bow all just under the bustline. The strapless gown can be worn with a good bustier. Empire waistlines and detailing on the bodice of the dress can be found in Classic, Glamorous, Romantic and Destination gowns.
Other flaws are thick arms and despite the inclination to cover up those arms, sleeveless or strapless style dresses will draw the eye away from the arms. Short sleeves only make one look at the arms.
Tummy troubles is another area that you may want to hide so try and draw the eye away from there by having a basque sweep across the midriff with tulle or pleating and crystal beading, pinched or ruched up at the curve of the waistline. This accentuates the curvy shape. A gathered sweep with a corset boning also helps hide this flaw and is a bustier all on its own.
Pulling the eye away from figure flaws and bringing the eye to some other part of the body is the magic of making the bride look breathtaking on her wedding day. With a few tips and tricks, the bride can achieve a stunning overall appearance. A confident and happy bride who isn't self conscious about her figure flaws brings sunshine to the special day.
Leah Bacon